What we’ve played together recently

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Elder Scrolls Arena

Super Mario 64


Sonic Adventure 2

Half Life

Jedi Survivor

Other games we’ve played

Game Badger thoughts Links
Elder Scrolls Arena Todd Howhard? Yes that hard. VODS
Mario 64 I now firmly believe that Mario's red hat represents his connection to Satan, because that's the only way you can explain how difficult this game is VODS
Frog Detective 1 A funny little game that I thought would get better but it didn't, it just ended. VODS
Sonic Adventure 2 A game we had to drop as it made both chat and I feel violently sick ~ so I perhaps wouldn't recommend this one! VODS
Half Life Great! The shooting was fun and saticfying and it had plenty of goofy moments that kept us laughing VODS
Jedi Survivor Perhaps the most disappointing game I've ever had the misfortune to play. The story was weak and almost non-existent until the end 30 mins and what should have been the redeaming factor, the beautiful set pieces and great scifi setting, was a glitchy, low framerate mess; you'll be lucky if it even renders in! Cal is fuzzy and hairy every time he moves as you could not turn dlss completely off. VODS
Syberia The slowest walking sim you'll ever play. The music was fantastic and the puzzles were really interesting. The overall aesthetic was a little on the ~grey~ side and it was a very slow story to get going. And fuck Dan. We all hated Dan. VODS
Shadows of Doubt Wow, this game really surprised us! An isometric sandbox detective game. Anything is possible, and anything can and *did* happen! Loved playing this, you can punch anyone! VODS
Tales of Monkey Island Telltale + Monkey Island = perfection! Another banger in the MI series, lots of fun and laughs. VODS
Sherlock Holmes the Awakened This game installment in the series of 'new' Sherlock fell a bit short of Chapter One. I was confused if it was meant to be realistic or we were meant to believe in Cthulu. The ending also fell quite short with a puzzle that was repetitive and dragged. VODS
Croc Absolute torture. VODS
Have a Nice Death This game definitely reminded me why we don't stream metroidvania's. Loved the concept and the aesthetic, but found repeating the same levels draining and a little boring VODS
Sexy Brutale I great concept and very pretty looking game! I think that it failed to keep us super gripped, but the ending had a very good twist! VODS
Sonic Adventure DX My first Sonic game and I was surprised? It was more wacky than I was expecting - lots of fun though! VODS
Final Fantasy 7 A whirlwind! My first FF game and our favourite place was unsurprisingly the *casino* VODS
Puzzle Agent 2 More of what made the first puzzle agent so fun. Glad to be back in Minisotta eh? VODS
Maniac Mansion Not as fun as the second game, but the mechanics were very cool. I liked how different characters who had different stregnths and that factored into the puzzles VODS
Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice Is that your BoYfRiEnDs locket?! VODS
Day of the Tentacle Just as great as everyone says! VODS
Sucker for Love A really surprising great game, great characters and a fun story. VODS
Hercule Poirot The First Cases What could have been a great game, but was really just okay - I liked the way both cases linked up, but the ending was super dragged out and made a good base story unsatisfying VODS
Zelda Ocarina of Time The vibes were great and I enjoyed playing this as our first N64 game on original hardware! VODS
Puzzle Agent 1 Really charming, but also really creepy, 8/10 would gnome again VODS
Microsoft flying sim 2020 I would like to thank every one for flying CBT airlines - had a great time soaring the skys and only crashed once! VODS
SW Squadrons Better than I ever expected, short but super sweet VODS
Thief 2 More of the same but less wierd - so less fun. Some levels also felt needlessly complicated and the story wasn't as good . VODS
Detroit Become Human One of the most stressful game experiences, it made us care so much about the characters so we didn't want any of them to die! VODS
Hitman 3 The beginning levels were 10/10 very beautiful, but towards the end t felt rushed and a little confusing story wise - prefered 2, but still absolutley worth playing VODS
Resident Evil Village This game will reveal your phobia to dolls VODS
Hellblade senua Not a happy game and the ending felt a little drawn out - but super unique story and absolutely beautiful VODS
7th Guest / 11th Hour Stauf called me inbred 10/10 VODS
Full Throttle VODS
Jill of the Jungle Epic Games precurser to fortnite?! A surprisingly wierd and fun platformy retro game. VODS
Cult of the Lamb Absolutely fantastic music and a great way to get members of chat to eat poop - for a joke of course! VODS
Dragon Age Origins Precious Aeducan's quest to become queen by any means necessary! One of our best games of the year - so much fun, lots of betrayal, theft and sordid scandal VODS
Vampyr Captured miserable, grey and rainy London perfectly however the combat did feel like a task and the game did drag on a lot
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge If THIS ✌️ is 5 then WHAT is this 🤙 ? VODS
Toonstruck This game has a dominatrix cow what more can you ask for?! VODS
Batman Arkham City Enjoyed the openness of the game and liked that we could explore the city by air - I wasn't super keen on the side quests to save the civillians, they became a bit repetative
Batman Arkham Asylum Really made us think about the Arkham prison system - are we the baddies?
The legend of Kyrandia 2 Very whimsical, very wierd - if you loved the Kings Quest series then you'll like these
The legend of Kyrandia Please someone find Brandon's Sandals!
Lawnmower Sim We played this for our Platinum Jubilee stream - Celebrated the Queen's 70 years by drawing dicks in the grass.
Back to the Future Telltale Telltale has to go back Marty, back to make a sequal because this game deserves more episodes! Did you see a picture of my dad lying around here?
Thief Gold Have you ever wanted to rob satan?! If you said 'yes' then this is the game for you!
Doom Eternal The story wasn't as strong as the first, but who plays DOOM for the story?!
Space Quest VI Our final Space Quest game! A wierd and great finale to the series, left me feeling very sorry for Rodger's wife.
Mass Effect 3 By the third the gameplay got a little repetative - especially if you wanted to up your war ready-ness. I also felt like more effort could have been put into upscaling the graphics in the Legendary edition. But Garrus is still best boi.
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures Wensleydale cheese vs Sticky Nut butter choose your challenger!
Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect I actually disliked Tex the first stream we did, I found the moon logic frustrating and the game a little slow to get going; but once I got in the right head space it was great! A lot like an old point and click and the vibe was very bladerunner esq! Clip
Wolf Among Us Creepier than I remembered! We had so much fun with Bigby and loved the ending twist - super excited for the next one! Clip
YS2 Less fun than the first, but that is to be expected (it was so great after all!). The bosses were great fun, even if the hardest one wasn't the ending one. Clip
Space Quest III Perhaps the easiest Sierra experience we've ever had. Absolutely no walkthrough was needed - a surprisingly pleasant experience! Clip
ABC murders Agatha-Bigbooty-Christie. This was my first introduction to the poirot series and the man himself was just as great as everyone says he is! Clip
God of War Wowowow, God of War was incredible. We loved the story, both the main plot and the lore added alongside. The visuals were incredible and I can't wait to see the next game. Clip
YS1 What's the opposite of Dark Fact? Light Fiction!
Space Quest II Mazes suck.
Space Quest I Definitely easier than the Kings Quest games, but the speeder section was no joke!
Blacksad The game was surprisingly serious, the themes and plot were dark and gritty. The controls let it down a bit, and some things felt a bit unpolished, but overall if you like detective games or noir, you'll love Blacksad.
Sherlock Holmes Chapter 1 The best instalment in the Sherlock Holme's franchise yet! Absolutely fantastic game that would be great for anyone into murder mysteries. We loved all the easter eggs, especially the death note one (absolutely lost my mind at that one!). Clip
Fallout: New Vegas Koyrir was an absolute treat to play as, steamrolling through the wastes, taking people's glasses, eating their family and gambling money we stole. A really memorable playthrough and I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. Clip
Jedi Knight Academy Do you prefer the light side or the dark side? I loved that we got to choose in game. Roshwas awful. Clip
Alone in the Dark 3 Cowboy nuts! Clip
Control A very 5/10 game for me, the enemies were incredibly repetitive and the storyline was lacklustre. Visually though it was very impressive and was fun to test out raytracing! Clip
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Our first Partner game! Jedi Fallen Order will have a special place in our hearts forever, it was an absolutely amazing game, visually stunning and a strong story line too. Clip
Star Wars X-Wing Quite repetative and the RETRO controls were a little clunky.
Alone in the Dark 2 Nuttier than ever!
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened A game that we didn't actually finish (although I'm sure we'll come back to). It was very buggy and felt non-cohesive, a lot of the time we lacked direction and even a walkthrough couldn't save us!
Phasmophobia I'm not sure we ever stayed in the house for longer than 10 seconds. I may or may not have cried.
Man of Medan This was one of our Spook-tober games and was the scariest of them all. Really surprised me, decisions felt impactful and there was constant suspense – seeing things in the corner of your eye and never knowing if they were real!
Dead Space 1 Terrifying, the fast enemies can absolutely get in the bin.
Phantasmagoria Absolutely one of the worst games we've played. The story line was terrible and the characters were so frustratingly stupid. We had a lot of laughs, but it was definitely a bit baadd.
Kings Quest IV Our last Kings Quest game, a great ending to our franchise playthrough. Plenty of falling off paths and ladders, silly writing and Roberta's disapproving stare.
Bayonetta A real surprise. High octane, beautiful visuals and the music was absolutely bopping 10/10.
Kings Quest III Winner of the CBT RETRO game of the year award. So difficult and so frustrating, but nothing beats that dopamine hit when you succeed.
Mass Effect 2 - Legendary Edition Kelly worst character, Garrus best character.
Blade Runner Can't believe we got top score on the shooting range first time! RIP Foreshen's paw beans.
Gabriel Knight 2 A werewolf?! It was sexy, it had sausages and importantly it was a great FMV game.
Pinball, Retro Great aesthetics, great pinball – bought back memories of the old windows pinball game.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade This VOD was banned in Germany, so I think that makes me some kind of international criminal right?
Gabriel Knight 1 What do you know about voodoo?
Covert Action Saving the world one spy mission at a time. Really unique idea, but it was a little repetitive after a while.
The Witcher 2 Even better than Witcher 1, and with a detective spin! Remember to USE THE YERDEN GERALT! Highlights
Sherlock Holmes VS Jack the Ripper Probably one of our least favourite Sherlock Holmes games, very brutal and realistic – a bit too gritty.
LOOM So, so good. Aesthetically one of the best RETRO games we've played.
King Quest II Same silly and punishing Sierra. Loved the Batman easter egg.
Tomb Raider Lara Croft falls into lava continuously. We had a blast with Tomb Raider and hustled a lot of beans along the way. Clip Highlights1 Highlights2
Mass Effect 1 - Legendary Edition This is my favourite game on the Citadel! Really, Mass Effect is one of my favourite franchises and it was great to revisit it. Highlights 1 Highlights 2
Late Shift Always happy to see a new FMV game! The story was really interesting, but it lacked re-playability. Despite being 'choice based' a lot of the choices still ended up in the same outcome. Highlights
Sherlock Holmes: Hound of the Baskervilles A hidden object game with nice stylised visuals. A bit spooky, a bit weird, but definitely worth playing. Playthrough
Danganronpa 2 We didn't actually finish the second Danganronpa game, there was a lot of unnecessary dialogue that made it feel tedious. I'd still like to finish it outside of stream – the story was great so I'd like to see where it was headed. Highlights
Alone in the Dark Nut. Highlights
The Secret of Monkey Island Monkey Island was the game we chose for our WarChild charity stream. The stream itself was super fun and we raised £1,160. The game is amazing, and I can see why so many people love it. Oh, and your mum fights like a dairy farmer. Highlights
The Stanley Parable I went into it completely blind and definitely wasn't expecting to burn any babies. Playthrough
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments A lot of people say that this is their favourite Sherlock Holmes game, I still preferred Devil's Daughter but can whole heartedly still recommend this one to any fans of mystery games. Highlights
Poker Night at the Inventory This was a goal reward for our WarChild charity stream. It was a great game and I think we all enjoyed the gambling (responsibly of course)!
Dishonored 2 The storyline of this one seemed a little forced, as though they hadn't originally planned to create a sequel, but overall, it was still enjoyable.
Space Quest V Just as fun as the previous Space Quest, the same silly humour but with added banana shinanigans! Highlights
The Witcher We became a dad, a husband and the biggest ass hole. Witcher 3 is one of my favourite games of all time so it was nice to go back and see where Geralt’s story began – even if we did accidentally side with the baddies. Highlights Clip
Indiana Jones – The Fate of Atlantis Surprisingly not much whipping action. The game was very puzzle-y, but unlike the Sierra games we’ve played before there was no soft-locking! Clip
Call of Cthulhu Absolutely terrifying, I don’t think I can look at squid the same way again. I really enjoyed the game as whole but the ending was very abrupt, all of a sudden, the credits were playing and we didn’t know why. Clip Highlights
The Council Lizards be lizarding, our mum was our sister all along. Clip Highlights
Kings Quest VII You’re 20 and unmarried *GASP?!* well you better run away to the troll kingdom or we’ll make you marry a man you’ve never met! Clip
Laura Bow the Colonel’s Bequest A game where everyone dies and you can never be sure who the real killer is. It was really easy to miss things and trigger events accidently so, while I really enjoyed the mystery and the characters, it was quite difficult to actually solve the mystery. Clip
Space Quest IV I wish they’d make the fast-food simulator last longer.
Hatoful Boyfriend We actually managed to play through the game twice in the single stream! It was short but had *a lot* to uncover. A story of intrigue, murder and feathered romance.
What Remains of Edith Finch Nothing creepy about this family! Right? Playthrough
Alien Isolation You keep making me play it. Highlights Highlights
Laura Bow Dagger of Amon Ra That was highly inappropriate Laura! Highlights
Persona 4 After nearly a year of playing Persona, we finally finished it. It was a *long* game and I found that a lot of my time was spent with not a lot to do, either waiting for events to happen or grinding levels. I loved the friends and romance options which the game allowed you to develop, but I think the pacing was quite off.
Kings Quest V HoOt HoOt KiNg GrAhAm!!! Cederic made this game 10/10. The story and art style were much more fleshed out than I, as you’d expect. Sierra delivered on the jankiness and funny voice acting. Highlights
Kings Quest VI Prince Alexander’s time to shine! This time we played as King Graham’s son and I have to say, I missed Graham’s muscular arms.
Beyond: Two Souls An equally heavy and emotional David Cage game. I much preferred Heavy Rain, with the story line of this one seeming more linear and having a lot of moments forced on you. I enjoyed the ending and some of the connections that Jodie makes during her story though. Highlights
Kings Quest I Who knew just 16 colours could look so great.
Heavy Rain JASON, JASON!! A game with a mood which is nearly as heavy as the rain that plagues you throughout. I loved the twists and turns throughout , even if I often questioned the protagonist’s decision making skills. Also RIP Maddison…
Prey Why was this game so scary?! The amount of times I was jump-scared or chased by some horrible nightmare down a dark corridor, it was horrendous. We went for a f**k everyone and prioritise myself approach and I think we succeeded in that when we stole the escape pod and left the space station. Highlights Highlights
Dishonored Wow what a ride! The game was just as goofy and chaotic as I had hoped. Every time I thought ‘hey, I’ve got the hang of this’ I’d immediately fall to my death or ruin my stealth run by barging into a guard. 10/10 would kill the empress again. Highlights Highlights
NieR Automata So. Many. Layers. The game was like an onion, every time I thought I had a grip on it there was some new layer to discover. I’d absolutely recommend the game to anyone - weeb or not!
Crusader Kings 3 Incest was pretty good, inbred trait needs a higher chance to occur though.
DOOM No Doom Guy left behind. That was my only goal for my play through, I wanted to ensure that every little Doom Guy was safe from any demon hands.
They are Billions There are Billions of them!! This was my first RTS game (~I think~) and I really enjoyed it. I found some levels less fun than others, I didn’t really click with the bunkers and kind of hated that the game forces you to do them. The zombie rushes were great though, even though all my towns people died :)
Nancy Drew Curse of Blackmoor Manor There was a lot of frustrating puzzles which I found myself banging my head up against, but I love being a detective so I had fun - first youtube only playthrough. Playthrough
Hitman 2 Fancy some fish?! This game went from me charging head first at every situation, fish in hand and full of misplaced optimism, to me *actually trying* to do well and getting silent assassin.
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter Surprisingly spooky. This game was much better than Testaments, it had a lot of great mysteries and Sherlock wasn’t *quite* as evil.
Bannerlord Big sheep, big money. Florida’s battle continues. It was great to renew Florida from our CK2 stream. I also really enjoyed the hectic battles, I think once it’s fully released it’ll be even better.
Pillars of Eternity There is so much stuff in this game, so many endings, so many quests and so many characters. I really loved how the characters were written and voiced. It’s a very cool game with a lot of world building – I’d call it DnD the game.
World of Warcraft Hunting some mounts. Playthrough
AI Dungeon Great for a one off funny activity, although it became less interesting and a bit samey as you played more. Playthrough
Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge Absolutely terrifying. Sudoku.
Crusader Kings 2 Like EU4 I had already played what I considered a lot of CK2, but streaming it made me learn a lot more. This is where Florida’s story was born as, possessed by Satan, she would kill all of her family to try and become the next heir.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Better than Kiwami, but still not as good as 0. It had the absolute best karaoke mini game, and I still end up going back to it.
Monster Prom An absolutely amazing multiplayer dating sim! I’m yet to actually get a date for prom, I guess they do say that art reflects reality :P Playthrough
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc I’d love to say that this was a cute little detective game, but it’s actually a bit horrifying. The plot was great but I did wish that there was more voice acting as it was *a lot* of reading.
Chrono Trigger An amazing JRPG, the game had a cool story and I really loved all the characters. This was the first game that I decided to do voices for – and I just can’t stop now.
Yakuza Kiwami A great sequel (although it’s actually a remake of the original). I missed some of the mini games from 0, but it was great.
I Love You, Colonel Sanders! Finger licking good! A fun little dating game and it’s free!
The Room Three A puzzle, escape room sort of game. I remember the stream being very chatty and chill. The game had some very well designed puzzle boxes and interesting mechanics.
Yakuza 0 So many good memories with this one!
Europa Universalis IV I had played quite a bit of EU4 in my own time, however while streaming it I was constantly surprised by how little I actually knew! We played a few games together but never actually achieved the goal we set out.
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes It was a janky ride, with a few crashes. The game was overall a lot of fun, even if we did end up certain that Sherlock was the real baddie in the game.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy The first games we played through on my channel! I really enjoyed it, it was the perfect mix between visual novel and detective puzzle. Thank you to all those who watched me with that terrible audio.