Nice looking videos coming soon?
We did it, for a while I have been saving money to invest in a camera and mic for Youtube. As of this year’s black friday we now have a lovely Canon M50 and Rode NTG to film some *amazing* videos! I want to say *HUGE* thank you for all of your support. Without you this wouldn’t have been possible, I’m glad I can continue to make more fun content for you!
I am absolutely in love with both the cam & mic, I felt very emotional when I opened the boxes. I really can’t wait to get better at using it and learn everything that I can to make cool videos for everyone.
Previously, I was limited to recording with my streaming set-up and while this was great for games/desk videos it meant that I was stuck in one place. Now with our new camera (and external microphone!!) I can easily film fun videos inside, from different angles! And when its safe I’ll even take you outside!
I have loads of ideas for videos once I can more safely go outside and I can’t wait to show them to you 😊
Again, I want to thank you all, I am so grateful for the kind community that we have built.
And finally, here is my first video filmed with this new set-up! Enjoy!!!